Residential Organization
Clean Slate helps clients live clutter-free lives and offers personalized storage solutions that cater to individual lifestyles, personalities and design aesthetic. Focus areas include:
- Kitchen
- Home Office
- Family room
- Closet
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Craft Room
- Garage
- Mud Room
- And more...
The Process
The Consult
During the initial consultation, the Clean Slate consultant will assess the client needs, inspect the focus areas and discuss the design features. The consultant will discuss the process, expectations and anticipated results. The consultation is free of charge and will last approximately 30-45 minutes.
The Purge
The Clean Slate consultant will work together with the client to assess all items. Items to be given to charity or discarded will be prepared for removal. The consultant and client will determine the best use for the space.
The Placement
The focus area will be prepared for use. This may include cleaning or installing shelving or other storage support. All items will be placed into selected storage containers. Please note – this process many require the purchase of storage containers. The client may choose to purchase items on their own or with the consultant. The consultant may purchase storage items for the client as well.
Business Organization
Clean Slate works with business clients to create systems and procedures that enhance functionality and productivity. Specialty areas include:
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Document Management Systems
- Inventory Processes
- Space Management
- Workflow and Productivity
- Time Management
- Customer Relationship Management [CRMs]
- Technology
Organizing sessions will be charged on an hourly basis, with a three-hour minimum. Projects may require multiple sessions. Between sessions, the client may have “homework” to prepare for the next organizing session. Payment in full will be required at the end of each session. Payment may be made by cash, check or credit card.