Reflections on COVID-19
I believe it is fair to say that two and a half months ago, as we were braving the Houston traffic, attending our children’s soccer and basketball games, putting in another long day of work and enjoying a meal at our favorite restaurant, we had no idea what the next few months would hold for us. Who could ever have imagined that restaurants would close, the Houston Rodeo would be cancelled, and that major-league sports would be on an extended hiatus? Who could have predicted that we would rely so heavily on Amazon, take-out food, Zoom meetings, toilet paper and facemasks? Who would have guessed that we would have to learn a whole new vocabulary with words such as COVID-19, social distancing, stay-at-home and essential workers? Over the last two months, we have gained a greater respect for health-care workers, food delivery drivers and the greatest of heroes, school teachers! Yes, it is fair to say that our world has changed in the last 75 days and I believe we will never be exactly the same again. BUT, in spite of these challenging times, I have marveled at your resiliency, your ability to stand strong in spite of the crazy world around us. I have seen you take on new challenges with good humor and smiles on your faces. You have social distanced and stayed in when all you wanted to do was go out. You have missed important events - concerts, vacations, conferences and graduations. Some of you have home-schooled your children and others have cared for parents and grandchildren. Some of you were essential workers, saving lives and providing much-needed services. Some have stayed at home in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. Some of you have learned a new skill or tackled a new project. And many of your have worked on your home organization projects, making my job a little easier! And the list goes on… I marvel at your ability to make lemonade from the lemons given to you.
As your professional organizer, I happy to let you know that Clean Slate – Life Organized is open for business! After a full 75-day self-quarantine, I am excited to see you all again, my cherished clients.
If you are not ready to schedule an appointment, no worries. I will be here when you are ready.
Clean Slate is open for business!
You may review our COVID-19 Memorandum of Understanding before booking.